JDC on the Front Lines 2020-21
Reinventing a Century of History for a Modern World
When COVID-19 halted in-person events, JDC Archives reimagined itself for a virtual world. Through online events, JDC Archives reached more people than ever.
Meeting the Moment, Young Professionals Give Back
During pandemic isolation, JDC Entwine brought people together through its virtual Giving Circles, an opportunity to gather and pool charitable contributions.
Pioneering Volunteerism Across Three Generations
At JDC's Volunteer Center in Kherson, Ukraine, dedicated volunteers run educational programs, fitness classes, and keep the the homebound elderly company.
Coming Together to Build Hungary’s Jewish Future
JDC's Mozaik Hub in Budapest, Hungary, is a coworking space that offers professional development and networking opportunities for young Jewish professionals.
In Tunisia, Opening a World of Opportunities for Girls
For the past 14 years, the JDC-supported Kanfei Yonah school in Djerba, Tunisia, has given young girls and women access to education.
Mobilizing Jewish Values in India’s COVID-19 Catastrophe
When COVID-19 surged across India, JDC immediately mobilized its local partnerships and delivered crucial aid to the country's most vulnerable residents.
Supporting Argentina’s At-Risk Jewish Communities
As president of the Jewish Community of Cordoba, Argentina, Sandra Werner once sought help from the very community she now leads.
Training Israel’s Workers to Meet Tomorrow’s Challenges
The pandemic has posed major challenges to vulnerable Israelis. But JDC continues to support them through programs like "Skill Up" and the Yated network.
For Isolated Elderly Jews, Bridging the Digital Divide
During pandemic, JDC is spearheading JOINTECH, a program that leverages smartphone technology to connect elderly, isolated Jews in the former Soviet Union.