Immediately following Israel’s 60th Anniversary, experts from JDC–Israel, 2007 winner of the Israel Prize for its contribution to Israeli society, will be available to speak about the diverse and burgeoning fields of Israeli philanthropy and volunteerism, Charedi Employment initiatives, and issues related to children and youth at risk. The specialists will be in New York the week of May 11th for the JDC Board meetings which convenes over 100 prominent individuals from the Philanthropic Jewish community.
Interviewees include:
- Professor Yossi Tamir, Director, TEVET, JDC’s Employment Initiative, dedicated to providing training and development to some 400,000 chronically unemployed citizens, including Charedi, immigrants, people with disabilities, Arab-Israelis, young adults, and select womens’ populations.
- Professor Jack Habib, Director, JDC’s Myers-Brookdale Research Institute, the premier center for applied social research serving Israel and the Jewish world.
- Galit Sagie, Acting Director, ELKA, JDC-Israel’s Division for Volunteerism and Philanthropy, aimed at upgrading and developing the social and community services provided by Israel’s voluntary sector and emerging philanthropic trends.
- Danny Pins, Director of Immigrant Services, which develops projects to help resettle and integrate immigrants from places such as Ethiopia, the Caucasus mountains, and the FSU. Programs include family-based intervention to help Ethiopians become more self-sufficient, Drop-In Centers for young adults, entrepreneur training, efforts to advance immigrant women, and work towards preserving ethnic cultures and traditions.
Media and interested parties should contact JDC Media and Press Relations to arrange a meeting.
About JDC
JDC — the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee or “The Joint” — is the leading Jewish humanitarian organization, working in 70 countries to lift lives and strengthen communities. We rescue Jews in danger, provide aid to vulnerable Jews, develop innovative solutions to Israel’s most complex social challenges, cultivate a Jewish future, and lead the Jewish community’s response to crises. For over 100 years, our work has put the timeless Jewish value of mutual responsibility into action, making JDC essential to the survival of millions of people and the advancement of Jewish life across the globe.
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