Following the White House announcement that President Obama intends to appoint Susan K. Stern, longtime American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) leader and JDC Special Advisor on Government Affairs, to Chair the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships, JDC CEO Steven Schwager lauded Stern’s unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes and public service.
“We are incredibly proud that Susie has been recognized by President Obama for her unparalleled leadership and life-long devotion to repairing the world, contributing to America’s future, and improving Jewish lives around the globe,” said Schwager. “In a world racked by critical economic and social challenges, we have been blessed with Susie’s support, friendship, and dedication to our mission to ease the burden of those who face hopelessness from Port Au Prince to Siberia.”
JDC’s global humanitarian assistance program includes the distribution of food, clothing, medicine, and basic needs to poor Jews and others in more than 70 countries. JDC has also pioneered a number of job training, micro-loan, and financial support programs that have been implemented in places like Argentina, Israel, and nations throughout South Asia. JDC has created and implemented these programs to address the needs of people facing sudden poverty during economic crises; vulnerable populations with high rates of unemployment or non-employment; or those who have lost their livelihoods in the wake of natural and manmade disasters.