As phones here at JDC headquarters in NY are ringing off the hook and we’re getting a steady flow of emails from people offering to donate everything from medical supplies to mattresses to money and manpower, we have to stop for a moment and say thank you. The outpouring of support and concern for the victims of the Haiti quake are a poignant reminder that amidst the chaos of our daily routines and across geographic, economic, and cultural divides, caring about our fellow human beings—especially in times of crisis—brings us together. That spirit of partnership is paramount at JDC.
As soon as disaster struck the Caribbean island, we reached out to our network of American, Israeli, and local partners to see how we could best help. We’ve partnered with the Medical Corps of the Israel Defense Forces to purchase critical medical equipment for its field hospital in Haiti, including infant incubators for its neonatal unit and orthopedic devices; and Heart to Heart International to bring immediate medical aid, equipment, and services to victims of the disaster. And as of this morning, hundreds of mattresses and blankets are in the hands of Partners in Health on the ground in Haiti through our collaboration with the Afya Foundation. Media coverage makes it impossible to miss evidence of the devastation. If there’s any silver lining, it’s that we’ve also got at least as much evidence that the world cares and is in action to help.
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